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How to tell your spouse your marriage is over

On Behalf of | Aug 5, 2020 | Family Law |

You have done everything you can to keep your marriage alive, but it has come to a point when you have no choice but to move forward with the divorce process. While you do not necessarily have to tell your spouse, as they will find out when they are served, doing so is the best course of action in most circumstances.

Tips to consider when speaking with your spouse

There is not a right or wrong way to ask for a divorce, but there are things you can do to enhance your confidence and prepare accordingly. The following tips may prove useful when confronting your spouse:

  • Get to the point: This is a difficult conversation, so putting it off and beating around the bush will only cause more tension. Calmly tell your spouse what you are thinking and why you are moving forward with the divorce process.
  • Stay calm: It is never easy, but you should attempt to keep a steady demeanor during this difficult conversation. Do not scream, cry or become angry. This is easier said than done, but staying calm will help keep the conversation on track.
  • Do not change your mind: This is a common mistake, as it is one that is difficult to avoid. If you have given it a lot of thought and are 100% sure divorce is the right solution, stick with your decision. Going back now can cause more confusion, as your spouse now knows divorce is on your mind.
  • Stick to the primary point of the conversation: Your conversation is likely to take a bad turn if you begin to discuss the details of your divorce. For example, your spouse may ask if they can keep the family home. Or maybe they want to discuss child custody and child support. These are the types of details that can derail a conversation and add even more stress to your divorce.

Once you tell your spouse you want to move on from your marriage, you can then focus on the divorce process. This allows you to prepare for everything from property division to child custody as well as any other detail that is important to you and your future.