The relationship you have with your grandchildren is one of the most valuable and important in your life. You have watched them grow since they were born, and you have invested your heart and time into supporting and loving them. However, a change in the relationship...
Experienced and high quality legal representation for Frankfort and beyond.
Month: April 2020
Study: Women have a higher risk of injury in car accidents
Driving has become one of the most normal activities of adult life. And yet, getting behind the wheel every day is one of the most dangerous things that individuals do in their lifetime.Roughly 1.2 million people are killed in car crashes each year. That number alone...
New options for reducing probation
In some cases, individuals facing criminal charges can fight to avoid jail time. Kentucky courts often order probation for individuals charged with nonviolent crimes, misdemeanors or first offenses.This allows individuals to continue their lives while minimizing the...
Tips: Telling the extended family about the divorce
It is difficult enough for spouses to decide that their marriage is over and that it is time to pursue a divorce. However, what about when spouses must tell their respective families about the divorce?Extended families, including siblings, parents and even...