Family guardianship could take a step ahead in the 2019 Kentucky legislature with a bill that would amend the law to include fictive kin in the kinship care law. Fictive kin are those who have an emotionally significant relationship with a child but are unrelated by...
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Year: 2018
700 arrested in 6-state DUI initiative
As you venture out during the holiday season, please remember to be safe on the roads and to take Kentucky DUI laws seriously. For three days in early December, highway patrols in Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, West Virginia and Indiana conducted a effort...
Vehicle rollovers: a primer
Rollover accidents cause serious injuries and often result in fatalities. Vehicle rollovers happen in about 3 percent of car crashes, but they yield 30 percent of all accident deaths. Rollovers can happen instantly, with little warning, but an understanding of why...
The 4 Ds of dangerous driving
Hazards abound on the roadway. There’s road construction, weather conditions, debris, potholes and more to deal with every time you get in the car. In addition to contending with those, of course, you also have to pay attention to other drivers, obey the rules...
Planning your holiday visitation schedule: tips and tricks
The holiday season is well underway, with Hanukkah underway and Kwanzaa and Christmas fast approaching. For many families, this is a time of celebration. For others, it is a time of anxiety. Families affected by divorce, for example, must address the complex situation...
Kentucky parking lot injuries on the rise throughout December
You may assume that it’s safe to run to the mall to do a bit of Christmas shopping. You drive out, park your car and head into your favorite store to cross a few items off your holiday shopping list. Your mind is on the task at hand, but you’ll be safe,...
Tips for coping with divorce
Divorce is stressful and difficult, even under the best of circumstances. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the process, and even by the aftermath once the proceedings are done. Following these tips can make divorce a bit easier.Acknowledge and accept your...
Honda issues massive ROV recall
Off-roading is a very popular activity here in Kentucky, and the Commonwealth has thousands of miles of trails, parks and campgrounds for tourists and locals alike. People use recreational off-road vehicles (ROVs) to get to hunting blinds all over the state, and for...
Late-in-life divorce is on the rise
Research shows that couples over the age of 50 are divorcing at a rate double what they did just a generation ago. For couples over the age of 65, that number is even higher, as these marriages are ending three times more often than they did in 1990. This is in spite...
How can a prenuptial agreement affect a Kentucky divorce?
A prenuptial agreement, commonly referred to as a “prenup,” is a document that divides and apportions assets and debts in the event of divorce. In prior years, prenups were common mostly among the very wealthy, but the economic – and social –...