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Whitney True Lawson achieves rare Kentucky legal ‘trifecta’

On Behalf of | Jun 26, 2023 | Firm News |

True Guarnieri Ayer, LLP is proud of its record of success representing clients in criminal and civil litigation in Frankfort and throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We also take pride in the accomplishments of our attorneys.

Partner and Frankfort native Whitney True Lawson was recently named chairman of the Criminal Law Section of the Kentucky Bar Association (KBA). The Criminal Law Section is dedicated to informing the public about the criminal justice system and its fair administration. It also informs lawyers specializing in criminal law about trends, topics, rules and legislation affecting criminal procedures.

Additionally, Whitney represents all criminal defense attorneys across the state as the current president of the Kentucky Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. A vital part of the group’s mission is to ensure justice and due process of law for those accused of crimes in the Commonwealth.

Whitney’s dedication to a fair and equal justice system was further demonstrated by her appointment to the Public Advocacy Commission, which oversees the Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy (DPA). After her selection by Gov. Andy Beshear, Whitney was also chosen to serve as the commission’s chairman. The DPA provides high-quality, personalized legal representation to those accused of crimes who cannot afford an attorney.

Serving in any capacity on these three groups is an honor for a criminal defense attorney. But it is indeed a rarity for one attorney to hold all three leadership positions at once as all of these organizations are critical for dispensing fair representation and justice for citizens.

Since graduating from the University of Louisville School of Law, Whitney has specialized in state and federal criminal law, domestic relations and administrative law.