True Guarnieri Ayer, LLP | Attorneys At Law


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True Guarnieri Ayer, Attorney Ayer win 2021 Frankfort’s Faves People’s Choice Awards

On Behalf of | Sep 24, 2021 | Firm News |

True Guarnieri Ayer, LLP is proud to announce that our law firm has been chosen as the Favorite Law Firm award winner.

In addition, law partner Bill Ayer was recognized as the Favorite Lawyer award winner.

These awards celebrate and recognize the best our community has to offer. The People’s Choice Awards are awarded by The State Journal in Frankfort, Kentucky, and the winner is chosen based on votes from the general public and readers of the newspaper.

Our 130 years of combined legal experience representing clients in central Kentucky, and throughout the Commonwealth, as well as our record of success, shows True Guarnieri Ayer, LLP has a winning combination.