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Tips for drivers on the most dangerous travel days of the year

On Behalf of | Nov 26, 2019 | Personal Injury |

This Thanksgiving holiday, more than 54 million people will travel to see loved ones. This can lead to busy roads and frustrating traffic, but also a high risk of accidents.

With Thanksgiving being one of the most traveled holidays of the year, Kentucky drivers must take great care to prepare themselves if they will be on the road this holiday season. So, here are some essential tips to help drivers stay safe.

1. Even if you are late, do not speed

Rushing around and getting ready to hit the road for the Thanksgiving festivities is a common occurrence for families across the nation. However, that rush should stop once the family piles into the car. Drivers should always adhere to the posted speed limit, but it is especially important when faced with holiday traffic. Not speeding can help:

  • Give drivers time to see and respond to any hazards; and
  • Maintain control of their vehicle.

Speeding is still one of the primary factors that lead to catastrophic auto accidents, and that risk only increases when more vehicles are out on the road.

2. Always keep your eyes – and mind – on the road

The holidays are a stressful time. Individuals might be worrying about getting together with opinionated family members, dealing with crying children and transporting food. Navigating incredibly busy roads on top of all that can often just create more stress.

All of this stress can easily distract drivers from the road, but drivers must make sure they are focused and:

  • Avoiding visual and cognitive distractions;
  • Keeping their hands on the wheel at all times; and
  • Not using their cellphone while driving.

The road will be busy enough, and drivers must concentrate all of their attention on the task at hand.

3. Beware of drunk driving

Thanksgiving and the Wednesday before are some of the biggest drinking holidays of the year. If individuals plan to drink during holiday festivities, they should plan to have a sober driver.

Even if individuals do not drink, they must be extra aware of impaired drivers on the road. Drive defensively and be on the lookout for drivers who:

  • Swerve from their lane;
  • Ignore traffic signs; and
  • Follow other vehicles too closely.

Other drivers and even the weather can be unpredictable at this time of year. Drivers can only control themselves when behind the wheel and taking these tips into account can help drivers have a safe trip this holiday season.