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Do you know when it is not safe or legal to pass a vehicle?

On Behalf of | Aug 28, 2019 | Firm News |

When you jump in your car to get to a desired destination, you hope to get there without any major issues along the way. Of course, any number of factors could impede your journey, including road work, accidents or just slow drivers.

In some cases, you may not be able to do much to help yourself get to your end location more quickly. After all, getting stuck in traffic is often beyond your control. If you end up behind a slow-moving vehicle, you may be able to pass that vehicle in order to get on your way. However, one should carry out this action carefully and legally.

When should you not pass a vehicle?

One of the best ways to pass another vehicle safely is to know when not to pass. Though passing can be a useful maneuver, it is also one that is dangerous and sometimes illegal. If you are thinking about passing another vehicle, check for the following circumstances first:

  • Is there a “no passing” or “do not pass” sign on the road? If you see this sign, you are in a no-passing zone, and it would be illegal to pass another vehicle.
  • Are you near a bridge or railroad crossing? Trying to pass another car within 100 feet of a bridge or railroad crossing presents an unnecessary danger, and one should avoid doing so.
  • Are you reaching the top of a hill or heading into a curve? You have a limited line of sight in these areas; passing is too dangerous to carry out because another vehicle could be approaching just out of sight.
  • Is it raining or foggy? Even in areas where it may be acceptable to pass another vehicle in clear weather, rainy or foggy conditions could limit visibility and make it too dangerous to pass.
  • Will you need to pass more than one vehicle? You should never attempt to pass more than one vehicle at a time.
  • Would you need to exceed the speed limit to pass? Going over the speed limit is illegal even when trying to pass another vehicle.

Only experienced drivers should attempt to pass other vehicles and only when the conditions are safe and legal.

Did a passing vehicle hit you?

Of course, many drivers do not always take safety precautions into consideration before passing other vehicles. Unfortunately, that could mean that you end up in a serious car accident due to another driver’s negligent or reckless actions. If so, you may have reason to pursue a personal injury claim against the driver considered at fault, in order to seek compensation for injuries, pain and suffering, and other damages allowed under Kentucky law.